Monday, September 26, 2011

Well folks, I wasn't able to keep to my promise of putting stuff up twice a week, but this week I do have some thing really cool; MONSTERS!!!!!

I am working on a story involving kids and monsters. While I can draw kids alright, monsters are a very unexplored grey area. So I tried out a few, and came up with these. They are cuter than I thought they would be. I'm not one to say I do cute drawings, but these are kinda endearing to me.

 The other page is a character development for the story I just mentioned. It involves a small boy who wants to earn money. He lives in a world where monsters exist and are pets. So he is a monster sitter. It's a promising story in progress. Just gotta make a few tweeks here and there...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hiatus Is Over!!!

Too many things happened over the summer and finals for me to keep up this blog.
Thankfully, now that i have established a schedule with school and work, I have decided on a new vow;

Update once-twice a week. Be it a sketch or a finished work, it will go up on this blog. Too long have I put off making this blog a weekly part of my routine.

On that brave note, this pic I put up earlier this year. My teacher said I didn't look right; perspective looked funky and the lake didn't go around the castle. So, I spruced up my colors and added more water. It looks a lot better now.